Congratulations to the Top 50 HSC Performers
1 min read

In the top 10 schools for 2020, Hornsby Girls High School ranked 6th and Normanhurst Boys High School ranked 7th in the State.

A huge congratulations to those top performing schools and students for the class of 2020. Certainly a year to remember and a year to be proud of outstanding achievements in the face of adversity.

Abbotsleigh ranked 16th, Knox Grammar School ranked 19th this year and Loreto Normanhurst ranked 26th, a great result indeed. Pymble Ladies College achieved a ranking of 31.

James Ruse Agricultural High School achieved first place yet again for the 25th year consecutively, a stellar performance.

Overall it is clear that public schools out-performed the private schools. However just taking into consideration private schools, Abbotsleigh, Knox Grammar, Loreto Normanhurst and Pymble Ladies College are to be congratulated on being in the top 20.

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post congratulations all the schools across the Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Local Government area’s on their continued success.

To read more about the 2020 ATAR results across our community look for our February 2021 edition.