Health and lifestyle
It's a Date - The Benefits of Dating as You Age

Embracing the dating scene later in life can be a wonderful journey. Many older Australians are rediscovering the joy of dating after divorce or the loss of a partner, and there are plenty of benefits to dating as you age.

So, why is dating in your golden years such a positive? 40% of those in residential aged care or home care have no visitors, leading to social isolation and loneliness, which can have adverse effects on both physical and mental health. Relationships offer a remedy by fostering ongoing communication, enhancing the quality of connections, and providing a companion to share an active social calendar, thereby boosting mood and mobility.

It's also worth noting that 59% of those living alone report being widowed. After the passing of a spouse, a significant number express the desire to date again.

If you're considering re-entering the dating world, here are some things to consider:

Online Dating and Social Interactions: Engage in an open conversation about the benefits and risks of online dating, as the number of seniors using these platforms has nearly doubled in the last decade. Being internet savvy and safe is paramount. A good place to start for advice in this space is

Decision-Making Confidence & Sharing Personal Information: Help yourself feel confident in your ability to make decisions and navigate potential fraud or scams. Explore the benefits and risks of sharing personal information online or directly and make informed choices.

Supportive Network: Seek the support of loved ones. Having a strong support system can significantly enhance your dating experience.

Safe Sex Talks: Yes, it might be awkward, but discussing safe sex is crucial. Maybe your trusted GP is a good place to start. Sexually transmitted infections are still prevalent in those over 65, so be sure to seek information or assistance if needed.

It’s up to you if you want to date or not – plenty of people have really rich friendships that also keep them active.  But if you are ready, dating as an older person can be fun and fulfilling.

Your Side is a non-denominational, not-for-profit provider of support to people over 65. We deliver services that help older people live safely and comfortably at home, including cleaning and meal assistance, personal care, nursing, allied health services and more. We even do social outings (but the dating part is up to you!).

To find out more about Your Side’s Home Care Package services contact 1300 134 332 or email

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