Greens Candidate for Wahroonga announced as Tim Dashwood
1 min read

LOCAL  arts professional, Tim Dashwood, has been preselected as the Greens candidate for the Wahroonga electorate in the upcoming NSW State Election. 

Mr Dashwood said,

“My first political membership was joining the Greens in 2020, drawn in by my desire to support changes I so desperately felt were needed, such as increased funding for affordable housing, supporting essential workers - particularly in education and health, and to be involved by taking real action.”

Tim is a professional actor and creative, also involved in leadership of not-for-profit organisations supporting actors. He has a Master of Professional Accounting and experience in the corporate world. As a performer and theatre professional, he aims to bring to politics good communication, the ability to listen and a developed sense of empathy. 

This professional background has given Tim the experience to drive a sustainability agenda and facilitate collaboration through balance of power in the NSW Parliament to improve peoples’ lives. 

Sustainability, facilitating communication and collaboration are areas Tim will focus on to achieve his aim of improving the needs of our community rather than, as Tim says, “feathering the nests” of individuals.

Growing up in regional Queensland, Tim developed a respect for community and 

experience in exploring and maintaining bushland. This love of nature led Tim to the beautiful Upper North Shore where he is raising his young family.

As a candidate, Tim will actively support The Greens’ priorities to:

  • end coal and gas by 2030 and transition to renewables
  • make housing affordable
  • rescue our public healthcare system
  • ensure better pay and conditions for essential workers
  • stop the corrupting influence of the gambling industry

The Greens believe that, “Focus on the future is in good hands with a candidate of such high calibre."