Hornsby lga
Major New Parkland in Westleigh

HORNSBY Shire Council has formally adopted a revised draft Master Plan and the draft Plan of Management for its Westleigh Park project, a major new parkland to be developed in Westleigh.

Formerly owned by Sydney Water, the site for the new Westleigh Park comprises around 36 hectares of cleared open space and bushland. The redevelopment will create a major parkland with spaces for play and sporting activities, and a choice of ‘unstructured recreation experiences’ including mountain biking, walking and cycling, while conserving important bushland areas.

Hornsby Shire Mayor, Philip Ruddock AO said that this outcome was a major step forward in advancing Council’s vision for Westleigh Park.

“We are pleased to take this significant step forward with the Westleigh Park project. After years of careful consideration, the adopted Master Plan and Plan of Management detail how we will provide an outstanding recreational experience for the community at Westleigh while ensuring the long-term protection of the previous bushland,” said Mayor Ruddock.

Council will continue to prepare the DA for Westleigh Park; it is anticipated it will be lodged by the end of 2023.

To view the adopted Master Plan and Plan of Management visit hornsby.nsw.gov.au/westleighpark.

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